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Old 11-07-2001, 06:50 PM   #16
The Magister

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Posts: 126
Ahhh, the good old Kangaxx-quest. First it's worthy killing him, because you'll get one of the most powerful items within the game. How? In his Demi-Lich-Form you can only hit him with at leas +4 weapons, and the upgraded Mace of Disruption. I think the Mace is the best, cause he always fails the saving throw. But, if you have Minsc or Korgan in your party, try Enrage or Bezerk, and the Imprisonment spells wont affect them. If you are low level (chapter 2), try the Staff of Rhynn. He was one of the first quests I did in chapter 2. Wizards Eye also helps. Dont try to cast any spells upon him cause he has 100% Magic Resitance. Good Luck...
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