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Old 09-10-2001, 09:34 PM   #75
Gwhanos, Lord Of Evil

Posts: n/a
SSJ4, Im a Frost Demon!

I could seal you in my famous Glacier Prison spell!

Basically, your trapped in a soul stone, and only I, Gwhanosis, know how to get you out of it. Its like when a demilich imprisons you in its teeth.

I use Cold Fire, the second strongest elemental fire in the universe. The first you may ask? is the all powerful WHITE fire, said to contain the very essence of power. I do use the white stuff, but its draining literally.
To destroy me, one must unbalance nature. To destroy me, one must destroy an eco system (a way of life) for the animals of the north. this will upset mother nature, and she will make your life miserable. Im actually the Upholder Of The Snows, and I come in demon form because I feel like it. Im really a frost Guardian. Think of all the things I can summon as a Frost Guardian..... Trolls, bears, wurms, dragons, yetis, golems, remoraz, spirits of artic animals...... the list goes on. I must share this honor with the other guardians of the Frost...... (im just the creature/more spell like one) The Frost Guardian of Landscape (he could trap you better than I can) The Guardian of Arctic Spells and abilities is open....... any one want to ge a frost god?


All your base are belong to us! How Are you gentlemen?

The Spaminyte Emperor
Welcome to your doom!!!
Official villain/demon of IW!