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Old 09-23-2001, 10:09 PM   #48
Fzoul Chembryl

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Posts: 1,735
Originally posted by Diogenes Of Pumpkintown:
Great thread, guys and gals.

Moridin, with all of our might and strenght as a nation, don't you think we could come up with effective solutions better than the old send the military and carpet bomb approach?

If we had a Court of Justice, something along the lines of what Silver Cheetah suggested in another thread (perhaps an international body set up specifically for the purpose, as at Nurembourg after world war ii or more recently to try war crimes in what used to be Yugoslavia), then whatever judgement they decreed against Bin Laden cut be executed by a small elite force trained for the purpose. With patience, Bin Laden's location and movements could be tracked and plans could be put into play for dealing with him.

That would seem far better than rushing off to start an old fashioned war with planes and bombs and the like.
AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH...who said we are going to carpet bomb the country?!?!?!?! I will state again, that a military campaign DOES NOT neccessarily mean a bomb the s*** from afar campaign...perhaps moving military support into the area is a defensive back-up for a covert mission...has anyone thought that perhaps we are going to use a specialized, seek and capture/destroy force, but that we are moving aircraft/ships into the area just in case this does not work. We have not started bombing, and I hope that we don't start random bombing...I am sick of my position being stripped down to "carpet bombing"!

I also agree, if you missed it, that some sort of long-term solution needs to be found. Whether this is an international anti-terrorism group/court or whether it is a prolonged military/economic campaign or whatever...but we cannot sit and wait for such a group to be formed. Terrorists will strike again and again, while we form committees to discuss said attacks...we at least need a starting point, if to do nothing else, keep these terrorists occupied while we can come up with a better solution!


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