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Old 01-12-2001, 04:19 PM   #1
Welcomed New User

Join Date: June 14, 2001
Location: Concord, California, USA
Posts: 3

First confusion I have is with composite bow versus shortbow +1. The shortbow +1 sounds like it doesn't have the accuracy or the damage of the composite bow. The speed of the shortbow +1 may be faster, but it still seems like the composite bow is twice as good. Then I look at the super high price of the shortbow +1 compared to the super cheap composite bow! Which is better to use for my elven ranger?

Second confusion is sling +1 w/bullets +1 versus throwing knives or darts of wounding. Each hit with the sling looks to do about 50% more damage than the throwing knives or darts of wounding (unless they don't save versus death which is rare). Yet the speed factor for the knives/darts is a third of the sling meaning it fires three darts/knives in the time one bullet is fired! IF that was true then the knives/darts would be much better. To me, it doesn't seem like they are much faster at all. Which is better to use for my human mage?

Third and final confusion I have is between the flail +1 versus the morning star +1. The flail costs more but the morning star just SEEMS better (both in the statistics and on the battlefield). Which is better to use for my human cleric?
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