Thread: Serpent Temple
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Old 12-04-2000, 09:53 PM   #4

Posts: n/a

Here's where I found all 5 idols (repeating a bit from Lily up there):

1. Monkey Idol 1 - In the small storage room next to the spiral staircase leading to Kreug. This is near the back entrance. Once you meet/kill Kreug, get the Serpent Key and...

2. Serpent Idol - in an underwater cavern under the Serpent Holds. Use the Serpent key to enter the holds and pull the lever in one of the serpent holds before you dive in.

3. Monkey Idol 2 - in the room with the chute too small to fit you, press the switch near the door. Several monkeys will appear. Kill them all. Look for one called "Monkey with Object" - that's the guy with the idol. If you do not locate this monkey, proceed to the next open atrium nearing the 6-door puzzle store. I found the monkey there.

4. Monkey Idol 3 - is in one of the 6 storerooms involving the 4-switch/coin slot puzzle.

5. Monkey Idol 4 - in a chest inside a 2-floor storage area inside the kitchen. Accessed with the lift.

I completed the Serpent Temple yesterday!