Thread: New at Skinning
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Old 02-03-2001, 10:14 PM   #1

Posts: n/a

Got the skins up and running. However I can only Identify the Chest area, face, helmets, and weapons. Is there anything out there that shows a 'roadmap' of what each section of the skins go to. If so could you provide one for each character class (ie 3d model) It would help me out tremendously. I tried to do it myself with color and letter based areas but it turned out horrible!. I hear refference to these sections as 'sel's and tried to netsearch for 'darkstone skin sel' only to find out tons of tips to playing darkstone and the section 'sel' from yourself over and over. Please help me if you can. I would love to make a werewolf/animal morph skin for these characters. pick an animal thats easy to identify. tigress, cheetah, wolf, panda, etc... Please help. Rep Or contact Robyn_of_woods on FurryMUCK. Good day.
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