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Old 03-27-2001, 07:48 PM   #16
Symbol of Cyric

Join Date: March 5, 2001
Location: Minneapolis, MN USA
Age: 55
Posts: 1,305
Originally posted by Cloudbringer:
Mood rings? LOL...mine is blue...(pout) Er, pet rocks at the door? Ok, I guess...but what happens if I throw it at someone? Will I be charged with cruelty to rocks or assault? LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Um, sorry, I need a good story...KDog? Tell us one? puhleeeease? (batbat, flutter flutter)

Well, *begins beating out a rhythem on a small lightweight drum from his pack*

Let me tell you a story about a man named Zeeke,
He drank so much that he was hungover for a week,
Twas the night 'fore millennuim and all through the bar,
People looked to Zeeke for their Hardy Har Har!
As the evening went on, and more drink flowed,
It was becoming obvious that Zeeke was getting plowed,
In his state, all women soon became game,
Including me wife, a woman of some drinking fame.
They talked, they flirted, but nowhere Zeeke got,
Until she bade him strip and she her what he's got.
The pants soon unzipped, the loincloth revealed.
I was deadly certain I would lose my last meal...

The drunker Zeeke got, the braver he became,
Until the fateful moment, the question of his aim.
One too many shots, he started looking green,
I knew if he didnt hurl, he'd start getting mean.
To the bathroom we went, and the sound you could hear,
Puke hitting the floor, the wall and everything near.
Realizing that we were done, I put down my beer,
We left and wished all a HAPPY NEY YEAR!!!!

-Bard Extrodinaire of the OHF
Man of Sweet Words and Heart Aflame
Keeper of the Heart of Charean
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