Thread: Animal House
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Old 05-02-2001, 03:46 PM   #17
Lady Avalon
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: March 2, 2001
Location: Tennessee, U.S.A.
Age: 74
Posts: 996
I can't believe you have ten cats Moni. Wow, you must spend a fortune on food. I have two cats. One, a 13 year old tabby/siamese with a very bad attitude. His name is Skittles and he likes to be in the same room with us, but will not sit on my lap and only likes to be petted on his head and under on his neck. Our other cat is a 3 year old Siamese named Merlin with the best personality ever, even though he can be quite demanding and loud at times. When he wants to play, he will bring either his piece of rope or crunchy ball and drop it at your feet and then just stare at you until you throw it for him. Oh yeah, a 15 year old teenager.


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