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Old 01-14-2001, 03:26 AM   #12

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The Paladin Shakes his weary head
His heart is full of dreary Dread
For he has read for all to see
Two pathetic retches: Mage A and Mage B

Mage A thought he was strongest of all
At his feet, cowering, we all we should fall
His Magic is Stronger than all power combined
Alas, his strength, was all in his mind

Mage B, he was clever, as smart as a fox
Had spellbooks galour, all placed in a box
His Power had gathered like a Thundering Storm Cell
But He was really a fog that could dissapate as well.

For at the end of the day, when the fighting is said and down
When the enemy has been vanquished, the battle has been won
Whose Better slain Mage A and Mage B will they tell to the next of Kin?
Why it was none other than the Mighty Paladin.