Thread: Rikard Vs Wah
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Old 01-22-2001, 04:48 PM   #21
"Hell Lich" Wah

Posts: n/a

Jon the Cowled Wizard isn't much help to Rikard, and his obsessive rules of magic have been delaying on his mind recently. There seems to be little removal of such a pest due to his powerful magic.

Meanwhile, Wah is under the creepy eye of Jon, and the interview continues............

Jon: Well, well, well my little friend - what have we here?
Wah: I may look like a human, (cough) but I am a powerful lich, do not underestimate me!
Wah: Besides...........your breath stinks!!
Jon: Enough!! I will no longer listen to babbling of ignorant children!!

Jon: Magical Flames: Wah
Wah: Magic Resistance
Wah: Magic Resistance
Wah: Damage Taken 80

Wah: You no longer defy me! Let me go or else.......
Jon: Or else what........fool. This is my tower, my sanctuary = do you believe that I would free you?
Jon: Feeble child, my interest are in you - not that pathetic fool Rikard.
Jon: You hold the Phoenix Ruby, a sacred jewel of ancient power.
Jon: That's why I want to focus on you = you're very interesting.

Wah: Eat This!!
jon: A mint? No thank you, I don't have bad breath.
Wah: NO!!! THIS!!
Wah: Casts Flames Of Darkness: Phoenix Ruby
Phoenix Ruby: Greater Ruby Ray Of Reversal
Jon: Damage Taken 3438
Jon: Blinded

Jon: Where am I!!! Where are you creep!!! You'll never get away!!
Jon: I was starting to look attractive in 1000 years!!
Wah: Stop being so vain.
Wah: I'll take those keys.
Jon: No!!
Wah: And those ones too.
Jon: NOOOOOOOOO!! That's my automobile! I still owe the bartender 30 bucks for that!
Wah: C Ya...........oops I forgot, you can't see: smell ya later then.