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Old 10-25-2002, 10:48 PM   #12
Lord Starshadow

Join Date: October 3, 2002
Location: The plane of non-existence... and Michigan
Age: 43
Posts: 1,087
Hey everyone! Speaking of cold... with winter coming up and the requisite drop in temperature, I for one would like to boycott winter. I don't want it to get cold, I don't want it to snow (even on Christmas!) until I get a promise from Old Man Winter that this year it won't last until mid-May, as it has the past few years.

Cloudy, I need chocolate. What have you got that would satisy my craving?

Dr. Pepper is alright, if that's your thing. It's got nothing on chocolate milk, though.

edit: terrible spelling

[ 10-25-2002, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: Lord Starshadow ]
Bah, I don\'t need a sig. You all don\'t care what I do anyway. <img border=\"0\" title=\"\" alt=\"[Razz]\" src=\"tongue.gif\" />
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