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Old 11-25-2000, 01:47 PM   #7
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Monroe, LA
Age: 60
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Well, let's see:

Having been a prior Wizardry Vet, I rememeber D.W.'s penchant for having something seemingly insignificant found early in the game be of vital importance later in the game. (Any Wiz 6 vets rememember that danged Wine Bottle that took up a slot in the swag bag for most of the game, or Wiz 7/Gold vets remember those combs and brushes that weren't used until almost the bitter end?) Well, since I figured the style hadn't changed, in W&W I had a hodgepodge of random items carrying in my sack until I finally realized that pretty much every item found in the game A) is only usable in that dungeon or B) if it carries over to another dungeon (like the Lich staff), you're pretty well given that information.

So, on the port dock of Brimloch Roon lies a pile of gadgets that I don't think I'll use anymore. (I know, "Don't Mess With Gael Serran", but I had to put it somewhere.) Interestingly enough, what I found is that if you drop something unnecessary to completing the game, it disappears eventually, but if you drop something vital to completing some portion of the game, it remains where you left it for time immemorial.

Gadgets that I did carry:

1) the two rat skulls (anyone know what these were used for)?
2) A pickaxe from the Stout mines
3) Every key I used in the game (until I wised up and littered the dock of Brimloch Roon with them)
4) Serpin coins (actually, I had just forgotten about them until I looked at one of my characters: "WHAT are you still doing with THAT??!!")
5) Every Mana potion that came along, until I realized that the piddling amount it gave you back, you got back anyway from walking around 2 minutes. Now I only keep Mana Max potions for those hairy situations.
6) Ditto for many other potions and scrolls. I'm in the last portions of the game and have never once used a scroll. (I didn't use them back in Wizardry days either--just not a scroll person).
7) Voodoo dolls (I'm still not sure what they do).

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