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Old 10-26-2000, 12:04 AM   #1

Posts: n/a

Ok....I've been trying the romance thing with Viconia. I've even able to Sleep with her, and boy did she degradate my performance afterward....but that's nothing more that I expected from a drow woman. Anyway, I read in a previous message that I should be kind of gruff with her when I have one of those spontaneous chats with her that she likes to start up. So, at one point I told her I didn't want to hear her complain or talk or something right at the moment. Well now she won't talk to me anymore. Has anyone else run into this and how can I get her talking to me again...? Please help, I've already gotten rid of Aerie and allienated Jehaira(?), so Viconia is the last romance thread left in this game...!