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Old 06-11-2003, 05:42 AM   #73
Jack Burton

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Airstrip One
Age: 40
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Originally posted by TheCrimsomBlade:
I came close to dieing for this country more than once and I'd do it again if it needed me!!!
Alot of people on this planet just don't understsnd what america is all about.
Most think that americans are money grabing look out world here I come SOB's. But most outsiders just don't see that our families are just like theirs except for one thing. WE ARE FREE!! we do what we want, we tell our government how we want to be lead and who we want to lead us. You could look at america as a big bee hive. The people in it as a bunch of bees all going in different directions at the same time, all doing different things living our lives not really conserned about the other bees.
In the hive we produce alot of honey and if an outsider really needs some,well we will give it to them and most of the time not ask for even half as much in return and sometime we don't ask for anything but their friendship in return. Now if somebody comes up to our hive and gives it a kick and tries to steal some of our honey, well every Bee in the hive is going to join together as one great big bee and do some serious stinging. Oh and one more thing. If anybody really wants to join our hive and help us make honey we will welcome you if you come in the front door and let us know your here to become part of the biggest f--ing bee this world has ever known. But don't sneek in the back door and try to strip our honey comb dry from the inside or you may just meet that great big flag waving john wayne loving Rambo size bee looking to kick your sneeky honey stealing ass right to HELL!! and yes I'd go back for our FLAG even if it killed me and so would a hell of alot of us. Why? BECAUSE IT'S OUR FLAG!!!! and If you want it your going to have to rip it out of our bloody dead hands.
The case for the prosecution rests M'lud!

Now before I Timber Loftis accuses me of being a smartarse I'll get serious. I'm guessing that most members outside the USA (except johnny of course) will see this as being over the top with reference to patriotism.

Although the majority of US members may agree in principle with the sentiments given I think even they may agree it's OTT.

In particular, this phrase "But most outsiders just don't see that our families are just like theirs except for one thing. WE ARE FREE!! we do what we want, we tell our government how we want to be lead and who we want to lead us."

Does the poster believe that we in Europe don't have and cherish the same freedom?

Or this, "Why? BECAUSE IT'S OUR FLAG!!!! and If you want it your going to have to rip it out of our bloody dead hands"

What would I want with an American flag with blood all over it?

This isn't patriotism, it's rampant nationalism.
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /> <br />Proud member of the Axis of Upheaval<br />Official Titterer of the Laughing Hyenas<br />Josiah Bartlet - the best President the US never had.<br />The 1st D in the D & D Show
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