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Old 06-06-2003, 02:39 PM   #19

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Ryanamur:
Actually, no, it wouldn't be like the 1st Gulf War. Irak was alone with no backing of the Security Council. North Korea is a strong ally of China, and you can rest assured that China would veto anything coming through the Security Council... even if it meant going to war with the US.

Like the 1st gulf war in the sense that it would be the USA going to war against a nation that attacked an ally of the USA

That's were the problem is. In the 50's we couldn't finish the job in Korea because China got involved. Do you believe it would be any different now?

By removing yourself from the front line, you actually open the way to 2 things:

1- North Korea, with China's backing can start hostilities without fear of immediately pulling the US in.

2- South Korea might do something totally stupid, like launch a preamptive strike, which would totally KILL any argument the US might have in gaining UN support.

The problem here is that the Bush administration fails to recognize the importance of North Korea in US foreign interests... again, another thread of it's own.
For insight to the rest of this re: China...see Timber Loftis' post. I think he hit it on the head.