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Old 06-02-2003, 01:36 PM   #25
Red Dragon

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Virginia, USA
Age: 62
Posts: 1,512
Pkers suck Lady Z. In my early stages of NWN muti, the only multigame I have ever been sucessful at playing, I met up with some constantly. Within seconds of logging onto a mod set up for this, you will be dis-armed, knocked down, and or killed. Often times in one blow. Very frustrating for a multiplaying newbie and confusing as to what or how to act in someones mod.

The DM or DM's in these case's haven't got the point that it's puzzles, scripts, Monsters, terrain, and mod class that is what counts. Although in a team mod when red team vs. blue team are trying to get gold piece's or whatever to score points for the team your on seems to be fun. Everyone starts with equal footing and also has many choices of characters pregenerated especially for this mod. Strategic pking can be fun. You just re-spawn back to a starting point to either change characters or stay with the one you initally started with to go for the gold again.

This is the only types of mods pking should go on in my humble opinion.

As far as equipment goes I have also seen level 65 type weapons scattered around in the floors of entrances to mods. Who can use these things without haking them to work somehow? Even the Mosters you can create legally are 40th level maximum. Bad sign for the mod to say the least.

All the characters I have created are legit with me just placing the points and feats accordingly. Bumping these up makes no sense whatsoever to myself and would give me a guilty feeling about playing so I don't. I don't want to play multigames with those who do this or sensely kill Npcs, or players.

I also played and loved Undermountain a few hours this weekend. I started as a 3rd level character and was killed not to far into the game. Everyone was on the 6th level and I was trying to make it there. I came back with a 10th level warrior, with a few items to help, met my demise in the form of Fire Giants (LoL!). Then, really wanting to make it past level 2 for once I brought in my Barbarian. Hooked up with a couple great warriors and was untouched for the most part of the mod. To powerful and we were unfettered in our desent. Obviously the scales Ziroc used were not meant for this in the long run. It's about a party of adventurers teaming together, level 7-12 is my best guess. (Great mod Z!)

Alot of my characters are created for mods that I have made in the past and yes I did go through a equipment phase I need to go back and clean house a bit and bring them back to mod reality a bit when playing other mods. But if you have played a mod I have created you know the encounters and monsters rip you apart without specialty items.
Don't want to take up anymore time on pkers they aren't worth it.
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