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Old 05-27-2003, 08:44 PM   #33

Join Date: February 18, 2002
Location: Vienna
Age: 42
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Originally posted by Drake:
fascist aye?


The drake is confused as to why people want to put such stock into the definition of a 7 letter word....just seams logical to me that if the word is use and not ment offensively then it shouldn't be taken as such....and if it is ment to be offensive then the problem is not with the definition of the word but with the relationship of the person using it and the person being called it....but thats just the way I see things...I suppose I tend to see things a bit oddly...
Because this word as other offensive description for certain groups may they be of a common ethnic origin or political background bears a lot of historical baggage.
Keep in mind that words are like swords!
Insults like fascist, commy, Paki, {insulting expression for people of African origin}, {inappropriate description for Native Americans}, {inapp. desc. for Israelis}, ... are sometimes that strong that they can make people cry (people ho are for certain reasons rather sensitive to that kind of language) or burst into rage. Especially in public forums you never know who listens and therefore who you might hurt with your wording which was of no evil intent whatsoever. I wouldn't mind my friends calling me a Paki (not that they would as we are speaking German), because I know their intent and as I'm not very much connected to my father's country, where I didn't even grow up. Yet I know people who get easily upset on this or on similar insults.
It's like emptying a 9mm into the blue. Not aiming does not mean you can't hit.

P.S.: worked around some ugly words with {} to make use of my own point

[ 05-27-2003, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: Faceman ]
\"I am forever spellbound by the frailty of life\"<br /><br /> Faceman
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