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Old 05-23-2003, 02:51 AM   #14
Lil Lil

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Originally posted by Yorick:
Originally posted by MagiK:

Since when did becomming a celebrity confer special responsibilities? and since when have they (celebrities) been moral or ethical role models?
It has ever been thus. With power comes responsibility. She has influence over young women that want to be like her. When she smokes in public, she's not just affecting her life, but countless others. Is she prepared to make that choice? She knows the deal. It's not like she was handed fame and admiration without her asking for it.

When you accept fame as an entertainer, you also accept a restriction in civil liberties. There are simply things you can no longer do. Parts of you become public property. If she was really bothered by that reality she could quit and find another career, otherwise she can cop the criticisms on the chin. She's a big girl, an Aussie to boot so I'm sure she can handle the flak.
[/QUOTE]Do you honestly believe that is is her responsibility to hide the fact that she smokes?! Restriction of civil make fame sound like it is a conversion into a radical communist community lol.

So many celebrities smoke its not even funny. I don't know of one person in my whole life who has started smoking because their favorite celebrity did/does and I seriously doubt that Ms. Kidman has so many followers that any young girl would follow her lead.

There is so much media coverage over the dangers and the hows and why's of not getting started...people who do choose to do so knowing the health risks they are subjecting themselves to, even the teenagers. I was well aware of the risks when I started and since then there has been a tremendous boost in the anti-smoking campaign that anyone without any knowledge of the dangers has to have come here from some other planet altogether.

Does anyone here remember "Johnny Smoke"? lol