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Old 05-20-2003, 03:36 PM   #9
Sir Taliesin
Silver Dragon

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: Knoxville, TN USA
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Rove would eat Cisneros for lunch! That affair killed any political chance he had. I don't think he was a very popular Mayor in Denver either. The Dems need a squecky clean character this time. Edwards IMO is their best chance. He's young, built a rep has a moderate, voted with Bush on most if not all the security issues, supported the war. He could be a republican!

Rove and team would love to see Dean as the Dems nominee as well. kind of like Clinton Vs. Dole. it'd be a slam dunk!
Sir Taliesin<br /><br />Hello... Good bye.
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