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Old 05-18-2003, 10:28 PM   #8
Aelia Jusa
Iron Throne Cult
Tetris Champion
Join Date: August 23, 2001
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Age: 43
Posts: 4,867
Originally posted by Animal:

Most corporations these days don't give a skinny rats ass about quality any more, and you know who's to blame? The consumer. That's right, it's our fault because we don't hold them accountable.
No actually they care a great deal about quality! They care that the product they sell will work just up until the warranty expires and then it breaks down so you have to buy a new one

It's not just about quality workmanship either - it's customer service. Stuff does have faults, it's not always that the manufacturers are just careless, but if they treat you well when you contact them about it then it makes the fault seem not so bad. Like I got a new mobile phone for my birthday, and the battery was faulty. We took it back to the department store where we bought it and the guy checked it over, got it to work, but replaced it anyway and updated the warranty with that day's date rather than the day we bought it which was last month. So the fault was a little inconvenient but our treatment by the salesguy made it no big deal.

On the other hand, my brother recently bought a laptop from Dell. The mother board stopped working after a couple of months, and although they promise in their ads next day on site service, he had to wait over a week while they sent emails back and forth, wouldn't give him a number to call, and tried to insist he had to completely wipe his hardrive and install WinXP instead of Linux before they'd come and fix it. Which left a very bad taste in the mouth, especially with their promises of service which was one of the reasons he bought from them in the first place!
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