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Old 05-19-2003, 09:18 AM   #22

Posts: n/a
Sigmar, what your grandfather did was great and was a prime example of what I was talking about.

On the other hand, a pacifist who refuses to lift a finger to defend his wife, children or countrymen......(in my opinion) is abrogating his responsibilities...If you bring a life into this world, it is your job to protect it from all harm and when you take a wife (or significant other) you have the same responsibility...not just harm that allows you to be a pacifist.

Melusine, (not trying to pick on you here) but would you respect your significant other if he/she were to sit by and watch you being tortured or murdered but did not act due to his/her pacifistic beliefs?

Or maybe Im just an antiquated old fossil who believes a man (or woman) should protect those who look to him for their welfare.