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Old 05-14-2003, 02:48 PM   #11

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Originally posted by Bardan the Slayer:
I couldn't disagree more. Recent research suggests that addiction is genetic. Some people have addictive personalities, some don't. This is why some people can dabble with heroin for 20 years and stop, cold turkey. It is also why others become 100-a-day smokers and die at 30. It is also why these addictive personalities often tend to be addicted to several things at once. It is also why Cipramil, a drug used to treat depression has been revealed to quash the addictions of so-called 'shopaholics'. Addiction is 10% choice, 90% genetics.

Saying "I have been on addictive substances and they didn't affect me this way, so people claiming addiction are making excuses" is like saying "It takes 14 units of alcohol to get me drunk, so anyone who says it takes less to get them drunk is making excuses."

This is a fairly new threoy, but the papers I read were rather convincing. I'll hunt for some links when I have time.

Thanks for the different perspective [img]smile.gif[/img]

I have read some of the articles about genetic predisposition to addiction..and it would appear that there are genetic causes for some people to be more...likely to become addicts, but in those same reports I also read that the genetic configuration alone won't do it. If the person is of a certain mind set, that they are not as likely to get addicted and more likely to be able to get off the substance if they want to...again it comes down to will and choice. Just as some people show common genetic characteristics with serial killers..those genes do not mean you will become one.