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Old 05-12-2003, 05:20 PM   #37
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: February 24, 2003
Location: Indiana
Age: 61
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Originally posted by Rokenn:
Originally posted by Thorfinn:No, the only way to prevent that is to take away the power of the gummint to give some people special treatment in the first place, since there will always be ways to get money around, even if it is a briefcase full of cash given to the brother-in-law of the guy who hands out pardons...
If you honestly believe that there is a way of taking away the power of the government from giving it's friends special treatment then you are more of an idealist them I am. If you reverted to an anarchist society you might. But the powerful will always attempt to hand out special favors to their friends and supress the ones they do not like. It's pretty much human nature. [/QB][/QUOTE]Actually, I think I am more of a realist than you. I know that people will try to give special treatment to their friends, so you need to try to eliminate any political power that is subject to significant abuse.

Ashcroft scares me, so giving him even more sweeping powers with the so-called "US Patriot Act" seems like an incredibly bad idea...
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