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Old 05-11-2003, 12:58 AM   #50
Knight of the Rose

Join Date: April 8, 2003
Location: Arkansas
Age: 48
Posts: 4,442
yes that is true, but that is also where alot of the problems stim from, we do not have enough money i am not trying to say i wish i was rich, because i do not, but we barely are able to pay our bills and buy food, so hiring a babysitter is out of the question for now, and another thing that bugs me, and do not take this wrong, is how everyone who has a job complains abot it, i personaly would give anything to be able to work, but my whole family has convinced me that kids aside there is no possible way i could hold down a job because
1. i am legaly deaf
2. after having my first child, i had an infection that pretty much ruined my abdomen, so now i can not stand on my feet for 8 hours asay, which is all i am qualified to do
3. and this is going to be funny...I am dyslexic, and have to work really hard just to understand how the words are supposed to go,lol
4. i am only human, there is now possible way i could hold down a job, the longest i did work at one place was also my worst nightmare....see hate springtime in arkansas thread to understand, i worked at Waffle house for 4 years
so i guess i envy him too, to be able to go out and work so much and have fun while doing it, but mostly right now i think i am emotional because i am worrid about the next few years, which will be mostly more surgeries to try and repair everything that the doctor messed up when ignored an infection, plus i will have more on my ears to try and at least slow the disease that is killing my hearing, so all aside,i know i am probably not the best person, i know i have a lot of faults and some of them i will not change, like my sense of humor...he knew i was a smart mouth when he was dating me,lol
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