Thread: Smoking Ban
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Old 05-08-2003, 12:27 PM   #59

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Originally posted by harleyquinn:
In my mind, there is a BIG difference between offending someone and giving someone else cancer, emphasima (sp?), and other lung diseases.
Harley you are falling into a huge propaganda battle...Penn and Teller did an excellent expose on the crap that the "Second Hand smoke" crowd is selling as fact. The truth one is dying from second hand smoke. (with a very very few extreme specific cases). When pressed for data they give false numbers, false reports and bad the words of P&T they give you Bullshit! (Edit: Bullshit is the name of their show and it is dedicated to exposing people who go to any length to get their way, including just making things up.)

[ 05-08-2003, 12:29 PM: Message edited by: MagiK ]