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Old 10-23-2002, 12:24 AM   #104
Very Mad Bird

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Breukelen (over the river from New Amsterdam)
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Originally posted by John D Harris:
Originally posted by Donut:
Originally posted by Angelousss:
Yorick your fundamental argument is wrong. If a suffiecent number of Americans wanted guns outlawed they would be. We have constitutional amendments that allow for changing times and circumstances. That is why the Constitution has persisted not for reverence of the founding fathers. We amended the constition to outlaw slavery. The found fathers while many were torn about slavery in the end chose to allow it to continue. The gun lobby is one of the strongest in washington, I believe they go to far but i am not for banning guns entirely.
Angel I think that Yorick's point is that the first line of defence for the pro-gun lobby is always that they have the right to bear arms as granted by the second aMendment. As if the constitution written over 200 years ago is sacrosanct.[/QUOTE]To us it IS, the U.S. Constitution is the foundation that every thing is based on. If you take away the foundation the house falls. Without a foundation everything can be tossed about by the prevailing winds.[/QUOTE]If your walls are cracking you have to repair your foundations or the house will fall down. You even may need a new house, foundation and all.

What is so scarey about that? The unknown? Do you trust the founding fathers more than Americans alive today?

This is the issue at hand. Why? Why are the founding fathers anymore trustworthy than people today?
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