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Old 10-06-2001, 09:13 PM   #69
Ace Flashheart

Join Date: July 13, 2001
Location: Manchester, England
Posts: 215
*Cracks knuckles*

I have finally found a home.

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A ventriloquist and his dummy are performing on stage in a club in front of a large audience; the ventriloquist is running through his repertoire of jokes ending the evening with a few light-hearted blonde jokes.

Halfway through this a blond woman in a very sharp suit wearing glasses stands up in the third row and calls for him to stop. Looking extremely annoyed she takes off her glasses and proceeds to silence the whole room by tapping her glass.

"This must stop now. Your jokes are extremely offensive and very insensitive, the comments you have made about blondes are not only derogatory to me but all women, I am an educated, intelligent women who constantly suffers persecution because of something as superficial as the colour of my hair.

I think it's disgraceful that in the twentieth century we can still be falling back on these crass stereotypes, and it's just as bad that any audience could be encouraging this by humouring this man.

You have spit in the eye of all the sacrifices and hardships endured by women over the many hundreds of years that we have fought to gain equality and I think you owe me an apology."

Looking very agitated and nervous the ventriloquist replied to the blond women.

"I'm very sorry I have offended you I didn't mean to cause such offence, my jokes were made with the intention...."

Before he could finish the blond women interrupted the ventriloquist.

"Not you, the small jerk sitting on your knee."
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