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Old 03-06-2001, 11:34 AM   #44
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
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Originally posted by Griever:
Yeah... *sniffle* all of us so innocent, so carefree and shining...

its like remembering your first date, first crush, first fight...

or how bout those long walks by the beach with your family

and star gazing...

So sad on what people have come to today... sex and violence... where was the appreciation, the love, the sweetnes, the value, the touch , comfort, joy laughter... all doesn't mean that much today... If I could go back to those old days, without computers and stuff... I would, but then , you would never know, because of this... the forum has done so much for us... we could share what we want... what if...

this forum lasted for years with the same members... our posts in the 10000ths and we share everything... we would like cry already if someone leaves, or we could build something magical around here...

this forum is a special place, it separates us from the pain, the hatred, the sorrow of the world... this is our

Separate Peace

On where we invent ourselves, imagine our future, ambitions, reality. on where no one really gets hurt, and no one really dies...

i think i am about to break down...


You are one very special person. I'm gonna cry too. Now I am seeing the you that Armie valued so highly, again. I like it, but please don't fret too much. ok Nostalgia is good as long as we reflect and learn, but don't bog down in it. Just my not-so-humble opinion!

I'd give anything to have that carefee feeling again for just a day! To play and laugh and do simple things that have meaning to me. Just to sit amongst the trees and feel the sun on my face and not have a worry at all about what I need to do or accomplish or that the trash needs taking out! To be able to freely enjoy the and appreciate the beauty of the simple things all around us that we take for granted in our rush through the hectic lives we lead now. That's why I posted this. So we could all stop a minute and be young/carefree again, no matter what our true biological ages.


StormCloud of the Black Knight

[This message has been edited by Cloudbringer (edited 03-06-2001).]
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