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Old 04-15-2003, 01:15 PM   #16

Join Date: July 10, 2001
Location: By a big blue lake, Canada
Age: 50
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Originally posted by Timber Loftis:
Interestingly, Arvon, your list contains a version of the only "patented" pickup line I have ever liked:
"So, when I wake you in the morning should it be with a phone call or a gentle nudge?"
Oh I see you got inspired to use the willowstick by using that line Timber. [img]tongue.gif[/img] I always wondered why you suddenly started to use it. Now I understand. Yepp, all those slaps really can unhinge mens minds. [img]tongue.gif[/img] LLAO!! Ooops I´ve gone and done it again.
Confuzzled by nature.
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