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Old 04-14-2003, 07:27 PM   #3
Timber Loftis
40th Level Warrior

Join Date: July 11, 2002
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Spoken like someone who is capable of only one view, my good doctor. The only point you made that I'll concede is how the military votes. Oh, and the flames against Dems can be just as easily refuted. As someone who works in one of those large firms that sucks money from the government, I'll point out that he's bang-on on that one.

And, claiming the economy tanked at the end of Clinton's era is like claiming Clinton owed all of the economic success of his era to the economic genius of Bush 41 and his *cough* ability to turn the economy around in 4 *cough* short years despite (say it in monotone with me) "gridlock Democratic Congress" (it's got a certain cadence, doesn't it) only to have it occur for Bush41 too late, while he was a lame duck waiting to exit what later became Clinton's "Oval Orifice Office." The "likeness" between these two anti-Clinton arguments is typical Repug-speak regarding the "business party's" poor economic performance, which is essentially "duck and weave, duck and weave."

I don't know Rooney's politics, but the "what have the poor done for us" he spouts while he's taking the "Republican side" makes me suspect he is Damnocratic - and I'll give you that. Regardless, he makes some good points and generally presents a fair comparrison.
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