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Old 04-11-2003, 09:51 AM   #1
Lord Ao

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Daily Mirror, April 5 2003

Staff rescue race-hate killer Copeland
Exclusive By Nathan Yates

NAZI nailbomber David Copeland, who terrorised immigrant and gay communities, has been beaten up in Broadmoor by a fellow patient.

Copeland, 26, was battered to the floor in his room and kicked in the head.

Staff heard his screams and dashed to the rescue - possibly saving his life.

EVIL: Bomber Copeland

Copeland, a British National Party activist, brought horror to London in the spring of 1999, killing three people and injuring 139 - many of whom were maimed for life.

He was in his private room on Taunton ward at Broadmoor when his attacker - 6ft 5ins and black - walked in and shut the door behind him.

A source at the top-security mental hospital said: "Copeland was in a mess. He was beaten to the floor and kicked in the head.

"Members of staff heard him crying out and they ran to the room.

"He had to be taken away to the medical area for treatment to his injuries."

Copeland's attacker, who was on the same medium-dependency ward, has now been moved to the ultra-secure Banbury section.

A nailbomb planted in bustling Brixton market, South London,
was the start of Copeland's racist terror four years ago.

Days later he tried to kill members of the Asian community by placing a similar device in Brick Lane, East London.

Then he blew up the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho on April 30, 1999.

Andrea Dykes, 27, who was four months pregnant, her friend John Light, 32, and Nik Moore, 31, died in that attack.
Copeland was given six life sentences at the Old Bailey in July 2000. A jury decided, despite his plea of insanity, that he knew what he was doing.

But he was diagnosed with a personality disorder and went to Broadmoor.

There he is allowed a TV and CD player and has access to a gym. A spokesman for Broadmoor declined to discuss the beating, saying: "Any potential criminal act which occurs within the hospital is referred to the police."

Lest We Forget ..

this sick devil planted a nail bomb in the middle of Brixton market on a busy Saturday afternoon ..

plenty to smile about ...

... he leaves the bomb in the middle of Brixton market ..

Chaos in Brixton after the bomb

The bomb went off close to an Iceland store

Aiah Menjor was evacuating the area when the bomb went off

X-ray shows how the nail penetrated a 23 month old black baby boy's brain


Is it good or bad that he copped a good hiding on top of his (spit) gaol (with TV etc..spit again) sentence?
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /><br />One Love, Peace. [img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /> [img]\"\" alt=\" - \" />
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