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Old 04-03-2003, 01:24 AM   #10

Join Date: September 12, 2001
Location: Ewing, NJ
Age: 42
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Liberals call it affirmative action. Conservatives call it quotas. Same thing.
Quotas are specific numbers, eg you must admit X number of blacks regardless of how qualified they are.
'Affirmative action' is a lose guide that gives (in most cases) fairly small boosts to applicants who are disadvantaged in some way. I won't say its fair, but its less unfair.

In particular at a University, there are other things to consider then just how smart an applicant is. Interacting with people you might not otherwise meet is a very important part of college, and a University that fails to provide this opportunity has IMO failed misserably.

Look at the TV show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire for proof.
Ratings through the roof when it started. Why? ANYBODY could get on, as long as they passed the tests. You didn't HAVE to look like someone from central casting. BUT NOOOOOOO, the politically correct liberals had to whine that the contestants were over 90% white. So, the show caved and went to auditions, killing off rural America's chance to be on the show. Quality suffered and ratings tanked. Killed by PC, ^%$! you very much.
Who Wants to be a Millionaire (Millionaire) tanked because they showed it far to often. It was fun when it was on once a week, but at some point someone decided that it would be neet to have it shown like a dozen times a week. An audiance can only take so much of something before they become sick of it. There was no real way for Millionaire to really reinvent itself to be more interesting, and once the audiance got board, the show tanked.
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