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Old 03-27-2003, 10:35 PM   #7
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: September 15, 2002
Location: Kennewick, WA
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Originally posted by Firestormalpha:
I think the idea here is simply this: If you feel like fasting and praying then please by all means do. If not then that's your choice. Oh yeah just some lesser FYI - fasting does not inherrently mean going without food; it is more or less simply going without "something" that takes up time which could be spent bettering oneself.
That may be true in general terms, but it is quite different in all religions. Mormons for example fast 1 sunday a month. They will also fast for the sick, troubled, etc. This means they don't eat for 24 hours. They will eat dinner saturday, and not eat untill dinner sunday. I can only speak for mormons, becouse I am married to one, but as I recall over the years, different religions practice different fasting styles. As far as the congress, I hope your right, but it still is bad practice for the gov. to be using religous concepts for mass healing or some such effort. I just hope they dont mandate this, for they would asking for major trouble.
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