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Old 03-30-2003, 11:32 AM   #44

Join Date: May 17, 2001
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Posts: 4,222
Sorry but I can't contribute a single pound for a number of differant reasons, trust me they're good.

But what I feel like I have to say Ziroc is that I love this forum as much as the next member here, hell I've spent a half an hour at the least practically every day here (and on dial up that equals a lot of money) but its not worth it Ziroc if you're standard of living is suffering because you've got to keep this place running. If you're in the red so much couldn't you just let IW go inactive for a while until you've saved up enough money to get it up and running again? The decisions yours I know, I'm just saying if its in the name of the greater good Ziroc you've got my (and probably every other member's) full support to shut this site down.

On the other hand if you choose to leave it open and keep going through the bad times then I can't emphasise how much I respect that decision. To make a self sacrifice like that just to keep this site running is an action that invokes a feeling of respect within me for yourself. I'm sorry I can't contribute (I will when I'm older) and I hope this place keeps running for a long, long time. Good luck Ziroc.

PS-I'm sure you're aware of the fact that there is another option in the form of advertising links and even the dreaded pop-ups. Still if thats what it takes then I would do it. Like I said it's obviously your choice.

"Until all are one"

[ 03-30-2003, 11:37 AM: Message edited by: Sigmar ]
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