Thread: Logging
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Old 03-14-2003, 08:45 AM   #5

Join Date: January 10, 2002
Location: Upstate NY
Age: 56
Posts: 2,109
We need to keep in mind that trees are a renewable resource, as such they are one of the most valuable resources we have in this country. To me, the idea of not manageing forests is illogical.

Oxygen? LOL... managed forests are every bit as capable of turning CO2 into O2.

Wildlife? Old growth forests don't make good wildlife habitat. Wildlife lives in transition areas. You need open areas with lots of ground cover combined with forested areas, old growth canopies don't allow the ground cover that much of our fauna depends on for survival.

Rainforests? More damage has been done to environmental causes by big environmentalist mouths than any other source. Remember all the shows talking about the "delicate balance" of the rainforest, and how all the damage being done will take the rainforest "centuries" to repair? In areas where farms have been abandoned (because the soil is TOTALLY unsuitable for farming), the rainforest recovers very quickly... a couple decades and you'd never know it was ever cut.

Lumber Companies already ARE stewards of very large tracts of American wilderness, and it is in the best interest of these companies to keep these forests healty and productive. Most people who form media based opinions on the subject would be astounded to actually SEE what they're talking about. Hike in an Old Growth Forest and you'll see what I mean..., nothing growing at ground level, no wildlife (nothing to eat), and a lot of dead trees on the ground (can be tough hiking). A managed forest has a LOT of light hitting the ground, which provides energy for young trees and food plants, which translates into lots of wildlife. In some areas the ground cover is thick enough to make hiking tough, but for the most part managers keep the forest open and airy (they want established young trees to be free to grow with minimum competition, too many young trees fighting for space doesn't yield large valuable timber as quickly)... overall a very pleasant and vibrant place.

Yes Old Growth is needed, but not ALL old growth. So protect a few areas and manage the rest.

The ultimate goal of the environuts is to ban humans from ALL wild places. That doesn't just mean utilizing our natural resources, it also means NO hiking, No hunting, NO fishing, NO TRESPASSING on their hallowed soil. They believe everything we as humans do is unnatural and damaging to the ecosystem. They don't see how access provides education and exposure to our people, and in the end HELPS our environment. The most conservation minded people in this country are those who USE the resources, where preservationists would have us all living in cities with no access to the natural world. No thanks.
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