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Old 03-13-2003, 02:54 PM   #25

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Originally posted by WillowIX:
I would have liked one more option in that poll MagiK. something along the lines of, "Yes, but..."

Yes I do believe that governmental funding of arts is a good thing. But, like in every spending, there must be an element of control. Why not borrow this element from the scientific niche? Send in an application, have it reviewed and then meet up with a board and argue your case. If the art in question is deemed to be appreciated by the public then funding is approved. Of course this would be hard to implement, but you might just loose the worst examples by this method.
Willow that would never work, because then you wouldhave people declaring censorship...cant have that here...better to make the artists get jobs and paint or whatever in their spare time.....quite a few artists do just that...and some even make quite a good living this way.....In the end at best the government subsidy is propping up marginal talent at best. As TL pointed out, there isn't that much money devoted to it so the vast amount of art must be supporting itself.