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Old 03-07-2003, 12:23 AM   #8
Felix The Assassin
The Dreadnoks

Join Date: September 27, 2001
Location: Orlando, FL
Age: 61
Posts: 3,608
Question Mark

Originally posted by john:
Been thinking about a new pc,and the Alienware looks great but a bit on the spendy side anyone out there have any ideas for something hot and not to expensive...Maybe around 1800 with a monitor??Has to have great grafics and sound,amd 2 gig,512 ram etc...Thanks for any ideas..John
That age old clique of "You get what you pay for" comes to mind!
I custom build. Using my resources, I priced an identical custom build, minus the Alienware case, to last Falls top dog. You can spend over 3K and get the huge support they give. Or you can spend $2500 and custom build the exact system by part identification.

Alienware would be my choice if I was to actually buy a PC. Their support, and personal assitance with CS is unmatched. Plus they do a complete custom OS and driver install, then due to fine tweaking, making it a true custom order. It's their final stage that allows them to outperform the others.

The new Nvidia chips matched to AMD MB, with newer AMD CPUs can run with P4s. However, in about 90 some odd days, AMD will release their new chip, and will take the throne back for a while. Then evolution goes back. Intel will resurface.
The Lizzie Palmer Tribute

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

John F. Kennedy
35th President of The United States

The Last Shot

Honor The Fallen

Jesus died for our sins, and American Soldiers died for our freedom.

If you don't stand behind our Soldiers, please feel free to stand in front of them.
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