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Old 03-02-2003, 05:55 PM   #5
Drow Priestess

Join Date: March 13, 2001
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It can happen here because too many people don't think; rather, they act like a bunch of Chicken Littles. 10 years ago I saw a Gallup survey in which a majority of the respondants would gladly give up some of their Consitutional rights (such as protection against unreasonable search and seizure) in order to win the War on Drugs.
We tried to win such a war once against alcohol. All that did was make alcohol all the more appealing and help make criminal organizations rich and powerful. Prohibition didn't work yet even still law enforcement agencies refuse to see the logic of the facts that the War on Drugs is not winnable.

Cases like this point out that the only winners in the War on Drugs (besides the drug suppliers) are law enforcement people who can get lots of recognition for making drug-related arrests and District Attorneys who can prosecute lots of drug cases. The rest of us--all of us--simply suffer.

California has a "mandatory seizure" law. Suppose you own a house and one weekend you decide to throw a party. You invite lots of people from your workplace and one of them, without you knowing about it, decides to inhale a little cocaine they bought on the way over. Unfortunately, the police had been watching the dealer, follow this person to your house, and come crashing in during your party. Upon finding the cocaine, the State is now able to take away your house, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Who gave this ability to the State of California? The voters did, in a general election resolution some years ago. They voted to put themselves at risk. [img]graemlins/saywhat.gif[/img]

Without being alarmist, this type of thinking--that "someone" is threatening to destroy our country and our way of life--is one of the factors that helped lead to National Socialism (if you know what I mean).
Everything may be explained by a conspiracy theory. All conspiracy theories are true.

No matter how thinly you slice it, it's still bologna.
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