Thread: Evolution II
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Old 02-26-2003, 02:08 PM   #63

Join Date: July 10, 2001
Location: By a big blue lake, Canada
Age: 50
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Originally posted by Moiraine:
To those who believe there is a hierarchy of valor between humans - I would like to know on which basis you propose to measure the worth of a human being. Which unit do you use, which scale, which tools are you using ? Lacking those, permptory comments about "ignoring reality" haven't got an ounce of validity.

About singing and music. How do you define "a good musician" ? To me, a good musician is simply the one who brings pleasure. Thus, as Yorick said, anyone can be a good musician. I have heard many local bands that maybe didn't have a perfect pitch or an outstanding talent but knew how to make a ball or a small concert lively. Isn't that what really counts ? [img]smile.gif[/img]
Are we dropping the evolution for a moment? Well it is your topic so I have no complaints. [img]smile.gif[/img]

In my experience I do feel a difference in valor between humans. My husband is more valuable and therefore worth more to me than a stranger on a street. The same goes for the rest of my family. I know this is probably not what you intended with your question but that is the best answer I can give you. All men have the right to life; I find that a better sentence than all men are created equal. [img]smile.gif[/img] But were we to discuss the human genetic pool one could sauy that one individual would be worth more to society than another. But then we are no longer talking about humanity, rather the chance of a beneficial trait being passed on to future generations. And letīs face it, humans canīt tell that by looking at another human. Rats can though.
Confuzzled by nature.
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