Thread: The PC World
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Old 02-19-2003, 03:01 PM   #4
Timber Loftis
40th Level Warrior

Join Date: July 11, 2002
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Yeah, that'll prepare them for the real world.

Look, you cannot spare the emotions of students. The world doesn't work that way. If folks don't have the chip knocked off their shoulders early in life they turn into namby-pamby litigious twits.

I cannot tell you how much red ink gets put on my papers. One thing any student of writing needs to get over very quickly is the attachment to their words. It's an arrogance rooted in the process of creating something that you think your turn of the phrase or statement of the problem or way to solve the equation are best. But, in almost every instance, you are wrong.

I'll tell you this: you will not be prepared for professional life if you cannot handle being told how much you suck ass several times every day.
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