Thread: Cell Phones
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Old 02-18-2003, 06:41 PM   #30

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 44
Posts: 6,541
Exactly... I think it's INSANE people complain about not wanting people to call them, and how irritating it is to be called at the most inconvenient of times. The things don't come equipped with an off button for nothing!!

I have had a cell phone for a couple of years and I don't see anything but good points to them. If I have to go home alone at night, I can carry it so I can call the alarm number if anything happens. The same goes for when I go somewhere - if I see an accident or something happening, I can always call the police or an ambulance. If I want to call someone to let them know what time I will be home, I can use the cell phone.
Under any other circumstances, my phone remains OFF. In the cinema, in a bookstore, when I'm asleep or at home. If I don't want to be called, I would be stupid to leave my phone on. There's a perfectly good voice mail service for people to use.
If you have a cell phone, it's up to you not to make it annoying. By putting it off when you know you would be annoyed by any calls, but also by not acting in an annoying way yourself, eg by leaving it on when you go see a movie, or by talking REALLY loudly into it.

Simple as that [img]smile.gif[/img]
[img]\"hosted/melusine.jpg\" alt=\" - \" /><br />Your voice is ambrosia
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