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Old 01-11-2003, 09:07 PM   #1

Join Date: January 7, 2003
Location: Holland
Age: 37
Posts: 1,402
Ive done that mission at that beregrost wannabe city (forgot the name)
and was send to atkathla to check up with somebody... don it all... those cowled wizard potatoes had me send to good old spellhold...

they realise i'm not the bady blablablabla so they return me to akthalta (freaking me out that name) were a angry mob of pirates await me to slice me up in litte piecesz... killed them al with some minor spells... bye bye there pusing up the daisis as we speak

now 2 the point...

those cowled wizards clones/most noble radiant hard & shadow thief praise me of disposing of those fily pirates and they al talk about giving me some serieus itmes... what do i get?? 300000 xp points and 1 point of rep.

where's my cool stuff..?? does anybody know whats up with this?
or maybe some one could tell me what they suppose to give you, so I can edit it with shadowkeeper, because I HATE IT when i dont get what i deserve (this isnt the first thing that was wrong with tdd... osgoth tower.. were is the exp for finishing that quest ( samen wannabe beregrost town with demon summoning ect.) :@
<br />Nau Tagnik\'zur zhal fre\'sla wun ussta i\'dol. -Annatar
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