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Old 02-08-2003, 06:01 AM   #97
Drizzt Do'Urden

Join Date: December 1, 2002
Location: Newcastle, Australia
Age: 46
Posts: 636
I saw the program and I was disgusted. By the interviewer. My God, what a hack !!! They talk about papperazzi, this guy is just like all those other blood suckers that think it's alright to invade people's privacy, or quote them completely out of context if they're actually given an interview.

For that matter, Journalism in general only ecompasses a very small spectrum. All journalism these days, from national news to tabloid, is alarmist, sensationalist, and full of misleading statements and outright lies.

Michael Jackson said he let kids sleep in his bed. He didn't say he had sex with them. I don't know if any of you have had sex, but I have and it's kinda hard to do while you're asleep (/saracasm).

"Price of fame" ??? just because someone's job puts them in the public eye, doesn't mean everyone else has the right to critisise everything about their private lives. You don't even have the right to know about their private lives. I always laugh when I hear about some reporter getting hurt or killed from sticking their nose where it wasn't welcome, and I laugh double hard when I see some journalist's own personal life in headlines cause it's like "The tables have turned, how do you like it now @$$hole ?"

Yeh, the guy is sick. One symptom is he doesn't realise what people think about him, or how bad it is to be thought of that way. Another was his knee shaking then he was feeding the baby, but the amount of stress he lives with, anyone would be high-strung at best and prone to anxiety attacks. Doesn't mean he has sex with children. Plastic surgury ? that's his business, not yours. Finally, everyone is saying how distressed the child was when he was feeding it. Maybe because the Interviewer grabbed the scarf, trying to pull it off and got it stuck on the baby's head. From what I saw, the interviewer hurt the baby, not Michael.
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