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Old 01-30-2003, 09:23 PM   #14
Egyptian Goddess of the Dead

Join Date: July 12, 2001
Location: South Carolina
Age: 40
Posts: 3,771
I see myself as having various attributes, many are hard to catagorise insofar as deciding whether they're 'good' or 'bad,' because people's interpretations of said characteristics differ.

First and foremost, I am a dreamer. I live in my own world a lot of the time. If I have nothing to do for five minutes, chances are I'm off in a different dimension, pleasantly daydreaming about something or other. I am not afraid to do this, even if my dreams are so unrealistic that many would argue there is no point in even thinking the things I do. I am also creative; I solve problems easily, can worm my way out of difficult situations, and am quick to express myself either through writing or drawing; both are great loves of mine.

I have a thirst for knowledge. This is something that gets stronger with each day. I used to be content with scraping by with relatively low grades and just taking life's back seat, but this is changing. I am now realising how important it is to do my best in life; both for my own self-betterment, as well as the financial benefits and security that come with working hard.

I am passionate. This extends to many things; whether it's taking part in sport, indulging in one of my hobbies, or simply in showing my love for my partner or family. This has its downsides, however; It means I am sentimental, often over-sensitive, and because of this I can sometimes be a little sticky. It's well-meant, but sometimes not wanted or appreciated. It is something I am trying to work on.

My downsides are clearly my negativity, defeatist attitude, cynicism, and apathetic (non) approach to certain things. I tend to see the glass as half empty, and I am sometimes quick to throw in the sponge if I get a bad feeling about something. I am pessimistic a lot of the time, and this in turn makes me cynical and sometimes distrustful. I often don't give people the benefit of the doubt and tend to think the worst of someone or a given situation.

I also worry far too much. I worry about everything; from how I will get my next meal tomorrow to how I will fare in my upcoming geography exam. It often takes over my life and sometimes I just want to run away and hide. I overcomplicate things and often can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. This means I am erratic in my moods and behaviour. This is also something I need to work on.

Well, that's about me, or at least, how I see myself. If any of you really disagree, I probably don't wanna hear it [img]tongue.gif[/img]
Marvellous banter; I am bereft of ribs.
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