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Old 01-27-2003, 04:21 PM   #26
Aelia Jusa
Iron Throne Cult
Tetris Champion
Join Date: August 23, 2001
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Age: 43
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1. How you voted (of course)

2. Why
I believe that it is not only the foetus's chance at life that is important in the choice, but also the woman's right to control her own body. I think there is a difference between using abortion as a contraceptive and terminating an accidental pregnancy that resulted even with the use of contraceptives, and of course as a result of rape.

I think that late term abortion is morally wrong. Like Willow and Timber, I think brain activity is important - foetuses that are 7 months (or earlier?) can learn things in the womb which they remember after they've been born! They are sentient and can survive if they are born at this early stage.

3. Whether that conflicts with your religion's stance on the issue

4. Whether your views change with extenuating circumstances (e.g. you do not support abortion but would support it for rape and incest victims, especially when they are young, or in the cases where the mother's life is in danger).
I think basically it is a matter of degree. In the case of rape or incest, not only the mother's feelings are important - stories I have read of people born of rape have to deal with a lot of trauma, knowing their parent was a rapist. Also in the case of foetuses with defects, I think you could argue it is morally wrong not to terminate (in some cases) - their quality of life will be so low that to let them live is unnecessarily cruel. If the mother's life is in danger you must consider what would happen to the baby if it survived and its mother did not. I think that while I support a woman's right to choose, abortion is always unfortunate (as opposed I suppose to *wrong*) but in some cases it is more justified than others

5. (just for s*ts and giggles) Whether or not you support the death penalty and how, if at all, you see that relative to your abortion stance.
I don't support the death penalty because of the margin for error, the fact that I think life in prison (real life term, not 20 years) is a worse punishment than death, that it is not a deterrent, and I can't reconcile the position of 'you killed someone(s) - that is BAD. As punishment, we will kill you - this is GOOD'. Does that contradict my pro-choice position? I don't really think so *shrugs*

Cerek, as I understand pro-choice it is just that - pro-choice, not pro-abortion. Wouldn't your views then fall under pro-choice rather than pro-life - you believe people should be able to choose what's best for them even if you don't necessarily agree with their choice? (Not arguing at all with your own personal stance on abortion )
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