Thread: Games Consoles
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Old 01-24-2003, 08:37 AM   #6
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: November 11, 2002
Location: North Carolina
Age: 65
Posts: 351
I play a lot of video games, and have many game systems. I have the PS2, N64, SNES, sega genesis, GBA, game gear, gameboy color, and have played a NES and gamecube. I also have three PC's, and I like the game consoles better, although only the PC has IWD/BG series. With a console, you don't have to install, you just need room on your memory card. With cartridge systems, sometimes you don't even need a memory card. I think console online systems will get better, cheaper, and may eventually get keyboards. With SOCOM: Navy Seals you get a headset-thing that lets you talk instead of need to use a keyboard. Consoles will not get slowdown or need patches. I like consoles, but the PC will get games like the BG/IWD series and the consoles are a long way off from that.
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