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Old 01-03-2003, 11:29 AM   #6
Timber Loftis
40th Level Warrior

Join Date: July 11, 2002
Location: Chicago, IL
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Khazadman, my knowledge of the Crusades is very limited, but I would say there may be a distinction between the four specific Crusades targeted at the holy land and the expansion of the Ottoman Empire (which is what I believe you are referencing and which ended with the breakup of the Ottoman Empire after WWI).

As for slavery happening elsewhere, it's true:
Serfs were slaves for all intents and purposes.
African tribes traditionally enslaved the surviving members of defeated tribes (though some people are touchy on this and say that they instead "absorbed" surviving members into their tribe - which is bulls**t).
The Old Testament is full of slavery examples - I'll use Moses and Pharoh to make the point.
I'm not real clear on my Japanese history, but weren't there serf/slave equivalents under the Samuri nobles?
I'm sure we can cite others.

But, and let me be clear on this, no matter how many such instances of wrongdoings by others exist it in NO WAY justifies the wrongs you undertake, I undertake, or anyone else undertakes.

[ 01-03-2003, 11:30 AM: Message edited by: Timber Loftis ]
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