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Old 12-23-2002, 06:46 PM   #22
John D Harris
Ninja Storm Shadow

Join Date: March 27, 2001
Location: Northport,Alabama, USA
Age: 62
Posts: 3,577
Two Martain scouts land in the desert, the only thing around is an old gas station with one old gas pump. The Martains walk up to the pump thinking it is an Earthling and say "Take us to your leader".
The gas pump doesn't say anything, so the Martains pull out their ray-gun and repeat "Take us to your LEADER".
The gas pump stil doesn't say anything.
The Martains shoot the gas pump, it blows up and sends the Martains flying. The Martains get up and dust themselves off and return to Mars, go directly to the comanding general to deliver their report about invading Earth. They tell the general that Mars can't take the Earthlings over using military force because they blow up when shot.
The General askes "Can the Earthlings can be taken over using mind control"?
"No" reply the scouts "Eathlings are dumb as rocks".
I know says the General "We'll take them over sexually"
The Scouts answer "NO WAY he had IT wrapped around him twice and stuck in one ear"!
Crustiest of the OLD COOTS "Donating mirrors for years to help the Liberal/Socialist find their collective rear-ends, because both hands doesn't seem to be working.
Veitnam 61-65:KIA 1864
66:KIA 5008
67:KIA 9378
68:KIA 14594
69:KIA 9414
70:KIA 4221
71:KIA 1380
72:KIA 300

Afghanistan2001-2008 KIA 585
2009-2012 KIA 1465 and counting

Davros 1
Much abliged Massachusetts
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