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Old 12-21-2002, 05:41 AM   #12

Join Date: August 14, 2001
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Age: 53
Posts: 2,326
Well it is a strange concept (seen from the other side of the pond)

In Denmark liberal refers to the economic principal of free market economy and a minimalistic state (as opposed to a welfare state and regulated economy)

This discussion remind me of an old Doonsbury cartoon (of Bush Sr.'s first campaign) where his opponent was accused of being a "raging, frothing liberal" and "he looks like a liberail, speaks like a liberal and spends like a liberal" (or something pretty close to that). Perhaps the last part (spending) is one of the reasons that it is a 'bad' word, as it is assosiated with people who spend (and waste) the taxpayers hard earned money.
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