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Old 12-20-2002, 07:56 PM   #22
The Hierophant
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

Join Date: May 10, 2002
Location: Dunedin, New Zealand.
Age: 42
Posts: 2,860
Originally posted by The Hunter of Jahanna:

Much like if a person is banned from the forum. That person is effectivly gone , people can get mad about it ,but no one stops posting over it.
Well, some people do (*cough* Neb *cough*).

But I get your meaning. Good point

What makes the whole situation really sticky is that alot more people nowadays are able to 'see' what goes on in other lands via tv news bulletins, newspaper articles, radio broadcasts etc. Now of course, whether or not the information sources received are 'truthful' accounts from these media is another matter entirely. But the thing is, before the inception of modern media, there was less compunction to get involved on an international scale as these 'occurances' simply wern't in your face on a day-to-day basis. If I, like some guys from my year in High School, chose to live a 'primitive' surfer lifestyle out on the West Coast of NZ with no TV and little 'input' as to the outside world I would feel little to no compunction to get involved in international politics. The World Trade Center could be some large urban marketplace somewhere in China for all I would know. That I would be unaware doesn't mean that 'atrocities' don't occur, just that there is no compelling desire (whether justified or simply imagined) to take action as there is no awareness of the deed. Some might say that morality depends upon the deeds you undertake in relation to the world that you know. To be honest I know nothing of the muslim faith, some tell me it is based on peace, some say it is based on hate. Who to believe? Are there different sects for different people? Who's version (if any) is correct? All input seems to be rife with human bias (even the original manuscript of the Quran itself was written by human hands). Sometimes people can be so confusing... Help me out here fellahs...
[img]\"hosted/Hierophant.jpg\" alt=\" - \" /><br />Strewth!
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